Pictured above from left to right: Eric Healy, UW-Green Bay Award Recipient; Peyton Janto, St. Norbert College Recipient, Brayden Nolan, UW-Oshkosh Recipient; and Ashley Trapp, Lakeland University Recipient.

With the continued support of our strategic partners, our chapter has proudly supported the FEI Academic Achievement Awards for over 15 years. This program was developed by FEI National in order to recognize and reward the demonstrated excellence of finance and accounting students from colleges throughout the area. Four $1,000 award checks were distributed to the recipients at our April 21, 2022 Chapter Meeting, which was held at Rockwood Terrace in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The chapter views these awards as an important investment in the next generation of business and thought leaders who will successfully carry on the mission of FEI.
The following recipients were selected from the group of eligible accounting and finance majors who applied for 2022 Academic Achievement Awards consideration:
- Eric Healy: UW - Green Bay
- Peyton Janto: St. Norbert College
- Brayden Nolan: UW - Oshkosh
- Ashley Trapp: Lakeland University
In addition to the award, these award winners received a digital subscription to FEI Daily, a certificate of academic excellence from FEI National President and CEO, Andrej Suskavcevic, and a standing invitation to all FY22-23 FEI of Northeastern Wisconsin chapter meetings and events.
Click here to watch the 2022 Academic Achievement Awards Ceremony! Click here to see the award ceremony slides, which also include additional information about each award recipient and their plans after graduation!